Bed Stay
Course4.9 average rating (39 reviews)Does your dog jump all over your guests? Do they beg at the dinner table? Do they charge when the doorbell rings? If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, THIS IS THE WORKSHOP FOR YOU!!!
Luring 2.0
CourseDo you struggle to get your dog interested in you? Do you find your dog only listens when you show them food? Do you feel dependent on the cookie? If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, THIS IS THE WORKSHOP FOR YOU!!!
Shaping 2.0
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)$29.95
Nailed It!
Course5.0 average rating (14 reviews)$29.95
Fetch and Hold
Course5.0 average rating (7 reviews)Teach your dog to FETCH and HOLD objects on cue with this Workshop by McCann Dogs.